3rd International Forum for Academic Youths and Elites, Guangzhou University Hosted

During December 15 to December 18, Guangzhou University held "Branch Session of the 2017 China Convention of Overseas Talent and the 19th Guangzhou Convention of Overseas Chinese Scholars in Science and Technology in Guangzhou University, and the 3rd Guangzhou University International Forum for Academic Youths and Elites," which attracted 2,500 domestic and overseas scholars to make application and over 200 to participate in. Participating scholars come from prestigious universities and research institutions at home and abroad such as Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Hong Kong University, Stanford University, Nanyang Technological University, University of Toronto, University of Melbourne, Nottingham University and Aachen University of Technology. Young scholars and scholars in science and engineering accounted for 82% and 56.5% of these scholars respectively.


GZHU President Wei Minghai gave a keynote speech in the forum and introduced strategies on talents in the context of developing high level university. Responsible persons of the schools also attended the forum. GZHU Vice-president Sun Yanming hosted the forum.


During the forum, over 20 schools and research institutions held branch sessions and agreed to introduce more than 140 talents.