At the invitation of the organizing committee of the 18th East Asia-Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (EASEC-18), a GZHU delegation led by Professor Hao Hong, a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering attended the conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The East Asia-Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction series of conferences (EASEC) was founded in 1984 at the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok. It has made significant contributions to establishing and promoting the East Asia economic cooperation system and has successfully advanced the fields of structural engineering and architecture in Asia and beyond.
Since 2008, to recognize senior engineers in the Asia-Pacific region and young engineers under the age of 45 for their internationally recognized significant contributions in structural engineering and architecture, the EASEC International Committee has established the Nishino Medal and the Nishino Prize. During subsequent conferences, candidates nominated by experts are elected by the committee, resulting in one recipient of the Nishino Medal (Academician Hao Hong received the Nishino Medal at EASEC-17 in 2022) and several recipients of the Nishino Prize. During the opening ceremony of this conference, Professor Lai Mianheng from our university was awarded the Nishino Prize.
During the conference, Professor Ren Fengming represented Guangzhou University at the competition for hosting the 20th East Asia-Pacific Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (EASEC-20) and successfully securing the hosting rights for EASEC-20.