GuangzhouUniversity, July 1st, 2013:On July 1st, Vice President Xu Junzhong received the delegation ofSalemStateUniversityled by Professor Kristin Esterberg, Provost and Academic Vice President ofSalemStateUniversity. In the meeting, the two sides discussed the arrangements of the academic meeting co-hosted bySalemStateUniversityand the Research Centre of Thirteen-Hong of GU to be held next year.
Both sides expressed their wishes on promoting joint-research. As Guangzhou and the city of Salem are the pioneers of Sino-US trade, with the merchants and business from Salem being the major US trade partners of Thirteen-Hong of Canton. In fact, the US Consulate inGuangzhouwas set up with the help of the business fromSalem. With such a deep historical tie, the two universities would like to share their insights on the history and future outlook of Sino-US trade relations by co-hosting an international academic seminar. The seminar will be titled Salem and Early Sino-US Relations. It is suggested that the seminar in theUSwill be held in July or August, 2013, with GU and SSU as the organizers and the Research Institute of Thirteen-Hong as the co-host.
Written by: Chen Wusheng
Edited by: Ye Qing
Source: GU News (Chinese)